Almost two thirds of homosexual pupils in Britain’s schools have suffered homophobic bullying, a survey suggests. Â
Almost all of those had experienced verbal bullying but 41% had been physically attacked, while 17% said they had received death threats.Â
The study was done by the Schools Health Education Unit for campaign group Stonewall, which said adults in schools were often behind the bullying.Â
The government said that all forms of bullying were unacceptable.Â
Stonewall said the report, on the views of 1,145 young people, was the largest poll of its kind ever conducted in Great Britain.Â
It presented “a shocking picture of the extent of homophobic bullying undertaken by fellow pupils and, alarmingly, school staff”.Â
“Even if gay pupils are not directly experiencing bullying, they are learning in an environment where homophobic language and comments are commonplace,” the report said.Â
“Ninety-eight per cent of young gay people hear the phrases ‘that’s so gay’ or ‘you’re so gay’ in school, and over four fifths hear such comments often or frequently.”Â
Half of teachers had failed to respond to homophobic language when they heard it and less than a quarter of schools had told pupils that homophobic bullying was wrong.Â
There have been ongoing complaints from Stonewall that faith schools in particular do nothing to deter homophobia.Â
Seven out of 10 of the survey respondents who had experienced bullying said it had adversely affected their school work.Â
Half of those bullied said they had missed school as a result.Â
When schools did intervene, the report said, young people were 60% less likely to be bullied.Â
The report highlights numerous examples of youngsters’ experiences of verbal and physical assaults.Â
Stonewall’s chief executive, Ben Summerskill, said: “These deeply disturbing figures should serve as a wake-up call to everyone working in education.Â
“This remains one of the few sorts of bullying about which too many schools still take no action.Â
“It blights the lives not just of gay children but of thousands of pupils perceived to be lesbian or gay too.”Â vice free
In my opinion this post does not meet the standard of The Site being “a place for dialogue on emerging issues in education”, there are far more issues (some of which have already been discussed in the site). Why not create separate posts where students & academics from different universities can (separately) post the problems inherent in their different Universities.
I’m sure that bullying BY gay students is more common in Sri Lanka. Many young boys get harassed by older gay students and teachers at school.
Amila Udayanga
Now im 28 yrs 2004 i met someone around 33 yrs via my mobile phone accdently.then he talked me,did sms me…suddenly he said he is in love with me…………..when i got to knw him,HE IS A PREIST OF ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH .He is in to gay sex and he has a small house around seeduwa area for his sex life.any way he did brain wash of mine and i also had sex with him….but i realized im not the only one ,he does sex…Yes he has many guys and he takes them to his secrect place too……..
any how i stopped all the relationship with him and i know i did a sin….but HE IS STILL IN A CHURCH AROUND NEGOMBO AREA AND STILL DATE WITH GUY
THEN WAHT WE DO ???????????????????
Duminda Disanayake
Are you sure this is the platform to discuss this type of issues?
there are many gay in sri lanka. but they havent any leading organization. so very often they are in stress pls reply
Many of my straight friends have had gay sex when they were youngsters. Sri Lankan guys as an average, more gay friendly. But due to social and cultural reasons their thinking change when they become adults. Most Lankans tend to go with the wave, not against it. Thats why it is difficult to go against it.
i like to meet you
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි?
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි? : 2023-2033 ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව පිළිබඳ විශ්ලේෂණයක් by Sujata Gamage 2023 ජූලි මාසයේදී කැබිනට් මණ්ඩලය විසින් ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුවක් සැකසීම සඳහා ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් පත් කෙරුණු කැබිනට් අනු කමිටුව විසින් අද වන විට එම ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව 2023-2033 (හෝ National Education Policy Framework 2023-2033) අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ ආංශික අධීක්ෂණ කමිටුවේ හා දෙවනුව සමස්ත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ විමර්ශනය සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කොට ඇත.
Proposals to make Sri Lanka’s National Examinations more relevant
[Extracted from the report “A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination” Prepared by Committee of Experts for Reforming the Department of Examination appointed by the Minister for Education dated December 2017.] The Department of Examination is perhaps the government department with the most impact on society in Sri Lanka.
Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination of Sri Lanka, 2017
Download Plan : Sinhala English A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination for implementation in 2018-2019 was prepared by Committee of Experts to review examinations and evaluation system and roles and functions of the Department of Examinations to make recommendations for improving the quality and standards of testing and evaluation systems in Sri Lanka appointed by the Secretary for Education by letter dated April 28, 2017. Members of the Committee Ex-officio: Mr.
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