With nobody taking responsibility for anything, the Chief Justice and his team seem to be formulating policy at a rate. The latest is the formula recommended by the courts for Grade 1-admissions.
The Courts ruled sometime back that the admission criteria are unconstitutional. Guarding the constitutions is their business. Good job, hats off. What did the ministry and the officials do with the decision? They waited for somebody to tell them what to do next and the good justices had to stop everything and decide 50% for that and 10% for that etc.
Take the fifty 50% allotment for merit and challenge. What exactly should a five year old do to demonstrate he/she has more merit than the 100 others who are considered for same slot? Is counting to 1000 enough. how much cuteness is required?
What are we doing to our children!!
We have private tuition classes for A/L, classes for O/L, classes for Grade 5 and now we may get tuition classes for Grade 1. Existing pre-schools can expand the curriculum. If the average kid can count to 10 why not get your class counting to 1000? Loading your kids with facts now can begin as early as you want. Why wait till pre-school?
Perhaps the courts should have scolded the minister and the officials and threatened to put them in jail if they don’t deliver, without trying to do the job themselves.
Duminda Disanayake
A child goes to schools to learn. Learning to count or read/write are NOT prerequisites for entering year one. In fact, a child is supposed to learn these things at school, not before.
So checking the intelligence/aptitude of a child at the age of 5 years and decide his entire future based on that is not only unreasonable and illogical but even unfair.
As the writer says this will eventually result in parents trying to spoon feed as much as information to their kids tiny brains from the date of birth. How much information the brain of a 5 year old can retain (and reproduce at will)
IQ tests at younger ages have shown they are very unreliable. Repetition of such tests has shown the result deviate from each other within large range.
Testing IQ of a 5 year old is not sometime an educationalist or even a primary school teacher would recommend. If any educationalist recommends such tests their IQ should be tested before testing the IQ of children.
@Duminda : Well said.
And I have absolutely no idea what they try to achieve by this. I mean were they thinking of rounding up the brainier ones to one school? Duh. In my personal opinion, this is just another point where Chief Justice believes he has the right to ‘mould’ the country.
Open Question: Theoretically speaking, what’s the procedure to change the circular? (Or is it still just a reccommendation?)
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි?
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි? : 2023-2033 ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව පිළිබඳ විශ්ලේෂණයක් by Sujata Gamage 2023 ජූලි මාසයේදී කැබිනට් මණ්ඩලය විසින් ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුවක් සැකසීම සඳහා ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් පත් කෙරුණු කැබිනට් අනු කමිටුව විසින් අද වන විට එම ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව 2023-2033 (හෝ National Education Policy Framework 2023-2033) අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ ආංශික අධීක්ෂණ කමිටුවේ හා දෙවනුව සමස්ත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ විමර්ශනය සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කොට ඇත.
Proposals to make Sri Lanka’s National Examinations more relevant
[Extracted from the report “A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination” Prepared by Committee of Experts for Reforming the Department of Examination appointed by the Minister for Education dated December 2017.] The Department of Examination is perhaps the government department with the most impact on society in Sri Lanka.
Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination of Sri Lanka, 2017
Download Plan : Sinhala English A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination for implementation in 2018-2019 was prepared by Committee of Experts to review examinations and evaluation system and roles and functions of the Department of Examinations to make recommendations for improving the quality and standards of testing and evaluation systems in Sri Lanka appointed by the Secretary for Education by letter dated April 28, 2017. Members of the Committee Ex-officio: Mr.
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