(Lanka-E-news, 2007 Oct 04, 9.30 PM) Two thousand and eighty eight job expecting graduates who were trained under Tharuna Aruna program commenced a sit in campaign near the Telecom roundabout today (04) morning.
The Chairman of the Graduates Collective Prasad Bandara Herath said to Lanka-e-News that none of the 2088 graduates were granted jobs despite the promises of the Ministers and the Presidential Secretary.
He said that this was the seventh protest campaign and if the President would not give a satisfactory solution to their problems a fast
unto death would be commenced tomorrow and it can end up with setting ablaze to the bodies.
The secretary of the union Thilak Rasnayaka said that the current Ministers were ushered to their positions by them and neither a Minister nor a secretary nor a single adviser came to talk to them.
Police closed the road since the protestors sat in the Telecom roundabout. The photos depict the graduates protesting blocking the road. The protestors burnt the shown written pledges.
Let them burn themselves. Free education is a privilege, not a right. Finding a job is their responsibility, not ours. The Sri Lankan taxpayers don’t owe these idiots anything.
Concerned Student
This is bad journalism all round. Who are these graduates? What is their University? What degree did they do? What is the graduate collective? Is it the Maha shishya sangamaya? OR the anthar vishwavidyala shishya bala mandalaya? JVP or other political party? And who are they to speak in behalf of the whole student movement.
This is outrageous. Get your facts right, and stop attracting anger. It’s just as bad as the graduates attracting sympathy. We sacrifice so much of our time to build a good image and brand and you ruin it all with a simple post.
Do you think that just because there are minority extremists like JHU, the whole Sri Lankan society is racist and advocates of war? Please be more responsible when you write something in a supposedly unbiased forum. It compromises the integrity of the whole website.
Concerned citizen
Dear Concerned Student,
This was the lead news in today’s Lankadeepa. I think your concerns are addressed there.
I do not see anyone talking about racism here. As we all know JHU has no presence in universities. So why bring JHU to this?
Im totally agreeing with JustMal on this one. For quite a long time, I have been finding that demanding free education and a then a job afterwards is pretty ridiculous. And no, it didnt change even after we graduated from the university. One can argue that it is the duty of the government to create jobs. I agree to this on a large sense, that by creating jobs the country would have its productivity increased. However this is no whats happening with the ‘jobless graduates’.
From what I know, most of these people were absorbed in to positions which already didnt have work. So mostly what they did was to hang around, go home and get the salary for it. (Nothing much different from you average government servant, but I found this even more ridiculous). So what I would suggest for these people is to either gain a competency in the growing fields and if they are not capable of that, tough luck.
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි?
එදා බැරි වුනු අධ්යාපන ප්රතිසංස්කරණ අද කරන්න පුළුවන් ඇයි? : 2023-2033 ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව පිළිබඳ විශ්ලේෂණයක් by Sujata Gamage 2023 ජූලි මාසයේදී කැබිනට් මණ්ඩලය විසින් ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුවක් සැකසීම සඳහා ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ සභාපතිත්වයෙන් පත් කෙරුණු කැබිනට් අනු කමිටුව විසින් අද වන විට එම ජාතික අධ්යාපන ප්රතිපත්ති රාමුව 2023-2033 (හෝ National Education Policy Framework 2023-2033) අධ්යාපනය පිළිබඳ ආංශික අධීක්ෂණ කමිටුවේ හා දෙවනුව සමස්ත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ විමර්ශනය සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කොට ඇත.
Proposals to make Sri Lanka’s National Examinations more relevant
[Extracted from the report “A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination” Prepared by Committee of Experts for Reforming the Department of Examination appointed by the Minister for Education dated December 2017.] The Department of Examination is perhaps the government department with the most impact on society in Sri Lanka.
Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination of Sri Lanka, 2017
Download Plan : Sinhala English A Strategic Plan for the Department of Examination for implementation in 2018-2019 was prepared by Committee of Experts to review examinations and evaluation system and roles and functions of the Department of Examinations to make recommendations for improving the quality and standards of testing and evaluation systems in Sri Lanka appointed by the Secretary for Education by letter dated April 28, 2017. Members of the Committee Ex-officio: Mr.
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