Awarding Authority: University Grants of Commission (UGC) of Sri Lanka advices that the authenticity of all foreign degree awarding institutions should be checked ( against the international directory published by Association of Commonwealth Universities ( or the International Association of Universities (
According to our searches, all but 5 of the foreign degree awarding institutions in the present directory were found in one of the two international directories cited by the UGC. Three of the five missing institutions were checked against the list of universities recognized by the authorities in the respective countries and found to be duly established or registered. Of the other two, the Asian Institute of Technology is an intergovernmental institution of prestige located in Bangkok and, International American University is registered with the California Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education.
Degree Equivalents are those qualifications that have been recognized by the UGC as entry qualifications for post-graduate degrees (BCS and SLIA higher Diplomas); Recognition by employers according to a 2008 Ministry of Labor Survey (CIMA); wide recognition for PhD studies (Graduateship in Chemistry at the College of Chemical Sciences)
Degrees Awarded: One or more degrees have been awarded under the program in 2010 or 2011
Degrees Equivalents Awarded: One or more degree-equivalents have been awarded under the program for in 2010 or 2011
Enrollments Only: Degrees not awarded yet but students are enrolled for 2010/11 or 2011/12
Field of Study: Used the categories as defined by the statistics unit of the UGC but we pulled out following disciplines from the main categories because of their emerging importance (in private higher education (Design, Education, Nursing, Psychology, Statistics, Textile Technology)
New Program: Advertised but no enrolments yet
Public-Non-UGC: Public institutions for which admissions are not mediated by the UGC and enrollments are open to all students meeting institution specific criteria.
There are 10 institutions in this category, namely, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU); Institute for Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences; Institute of Human Resource Advancement; Institute of Surveying and Mapping; National Institute of Education, National Institute of Business Management (NIBM), Ocean University of Sri Lanka, National Institute of Social Development (NISD), and The Open University of Sri Lanka and and University of Vocational Technology.
Admissions to the Institute for Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences; Institute of Human Resource Advancement; Institute of Surveying and Mapping; National Institute of Education and University of Vocational Technology can be restricted to special categories such as farmers, employed persons, surveyors, teachers and those holding National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs). General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University (KDU) will be admitting civilians for all their programs except the medical degree program starting from the 2012/13 academic year.
UGC: University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka
‡: Denotes a Public non-UGC institution