A policy dialogue on “Bottom-up Solutions to the Grade 1 Admission Problem” was held by the Education Forum Sri Lanka (EFSL) on January 16, 2021, via Zoom. LINKS: Full Video: PD#11, 2 hours 23 minutes Mini clips: Documents: PRESENTATIONS: Grade One school admissions is a serious national issue – Dr Tara de Mel Responses by: Mr. Lal Dissanayake (former principal Gampaha Bandaranaike Vidyalaya, & ZED Matugama W) Ms. SR Hasanthi, Director, Maha Oya Education Zone, EP Mrs Dilekha Kudachchi, Senior Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Education, SP OVERVIEW: Every year, beginning its cycle in June and ending in January of the following year, the issue of Grade 1 Admissions rears its head, posing problems for parents, teachers, principals and education administrators alike. Among Sri Lanka’s 373 national schools, around 70 (less than 20%) are considered ‘popular’ schools, having the highest demand, across districts such as Colombo, Kurunegala, Kandy, Galle, and Matara.