
 (මෙම ලිපිය 2013 පෙබරවාරි -සැප්තැම්බර් කාලය තුල  “අද” පත්‍රයේ පලවුන ලිපි මාලාවක් අන්තර්ජාලයට ගෙන ඒමේ අරමුණෙන් පලකෙරේ. මෙය වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම සදහා ඔබගේ අදහස්/ප්‍රශ්න  කරුණාකර කොමෙන්ටුවක් ලෙස එක් කරන්න.  අධ්‍යාපනය හෝ පුහුණුව සදහා ආයතන ලැයිස්තුවක් සදහාබලන්න.
(පුහුණු ආයතන ලැයිස්තුව ලිපිය අග දැක්වේ)    ගණකාධිකරණය හදාරන්නකුට තෝරාගතහැකි අධ්‍යයන ධාරා තුනකි.  මින් එකක්වන මූල්‍ය ගණකාධිකරණයේ (Financial Accounting) කාර්යය වනුයේ බාහිර පාර්ශවයන් එනම් ආයෝජකයින්, ණය හිමියන්, නියාමකයින් සහ බදු අධිකාරීන්ට සැපයිය යුතු තොරතුරු සැපයෙන පරිද්දෙන් සමාගමේ වාර්ෂික ගණකාධිකරණ වාර්තා සකස්කිරීමයි.  දෙවැන්න වන කළමනාකරණ ගණකාධිකරණයෙහි (Management Accounting) කාර්යය වනුයේ සමාගමේ කෙටිකාලීන තීරණ ගැනීම්වලට සහාය වන කෙටිකාලීන ගණකාධිකරණ වාර්තා සහ විශ්ලේෂණ, අංශ කළමනාකරුවන් සහ ප්‍රධාන විධායක නිලධාරියා වෙනුවෙන් සකස්කිරීමයි.  තෙවැන්න ගණකාධිකරණ ශිල්පය (Accounting Technician) වන අතර ඉහත කවර ධාරාවක් සඳහා හෝ සහාය සේවාවන් ලබාදීම මෙම වෘත්තියේ කාර්යභාරයයි. මූල්‍ය ගණකාධිකරණය හදාරන මාර්ගය කුමක් ද?
The Girl Child Day was designated in 2012 to bring attention to disparities in education, nutrition, health and legal rights for young girls. Innovation in Education is the Theme for Girl Child Day for 2013. For most developing countries, including other countries in the Indian sub-continent, innovations in education are needed indeed to get girls into schools and keep them there. Malala’s case amplifies the extreme of not even being to get to school and the need transform society as a whole to ensure the well-being of the girl child. In contrast, girls in Sri Lanka are doing ok, if you use conventional measures.
According to the ‘Ada’ newspaper, Mr .Prarthibha Mahanamaheva has called up the Ministry of Education and National Child Protection Agency to discuss the extreme phyiscal and mental stress caused by the Grade V scholarship on young children. Sri lanka is a signatory to the Convention on Rights of the Child . It will be interesting to see which clauses in the convention are  being considered. Article 19 1.

Education Policies and Proposals 2013

Posted on October 8, 2013  /  0 Comments

The latest policy document titled New Education Policies and Proposals is now at Sinhala only for now.
A document outlining New Education Policies and Proposals (NEPP) was presented recently to the speaker and the members of the parliament by the Ministry for Education. This document is a result of deliberations on a new education act that began with a public notice published in November 2007 by the Committee to Draft a New education Act seeking input, and culminated with a series of sittings by a Select Committee of Parliament held during 2012. The NEPP document would not have seen the light of day if not for the efforts by a group of volunteers who worked with Dr. Dr. G.
The LIRNEasia survey of degree programs offered outside of the public- university system revealed vibrant sector producing  8293 degrees or degree equivalents in  2011/12. The 13 Public universities produced 12,604 graduates in contrast. Of the institutions outside of the public universities, Private universities produced 2,733 graduates.  and 10 public institutions outside of the purview of the UGC produced 4,229 graduates.  Notably 73% of the computer science/IT graduates were produced by the private universities.

What do our children really need to know

Posted on September 24, 2010  /  4 Comments

Education reforms are in the air in Sri Lanka. Finally,  a proposal to draft a new education act is being considered by a special consultative committee of the parliament. In these deliberations simple truths often get lost in  the details. Take the issue of curriculum, for instance. What do our children really need to learn to be well and happy in an increasingly complex and competitive world?
According to a New York Times report  the Secretary of Education in USA Arne activating the human rights division in department in an effort to  force the fifty to states in the union to enforce federal laws that protect poor, minority and disabled students. That means that states and localities that have historically shortchanged these children — by saddling them, say, with watered-down curriculums and unqualified teachers — will be required to do better or risk losing federal education dollars. Such is the way that the central government in USA tries influence the education process es that ar devolved right down to local government level. In Sri Lanka too, If education is truly devolved to the provinces as is mandated in the 13th amendment, our minister of education in the national government can be the regulator instead of  the bumbling fool who can not deliver the text books on time or get  term tests done properly. What is stopping our national government from doing the seemingly sensible thing?
Following is an abstract of the presentation made by Dr. Sujata Gamage to the Council on Higher Education in Pretoria, South Africa, on February 23, 2010. ABSTRACT Universities are increasingly called upon to contribute to the development needs of a country but the nature of the contribution can vary with the mission or the resource base of the institution. University systems in most countries, by design or otherwise, consist of a diverse range of institutions. An assessment of the contribution of a university requires some means of telling apples from the oranges.