
රට බෙදන්නේ යුද්ධය නොවෙයි අධ්‍යාපනයයිෟ රටක අනාගත ඉරණම තීන්දු කරන භාරකරුවන් වන්නේ ඒ රටේ දරුවන්. දරුවන්ට අතීතයේ අප ලබා දෙන  අධ්‍යාපනය රටේ අද පවතින තත්ත්වයට හේතු වී ඇත. පාසල පුමත්පතට සිය අදහස් දක්වමින් ජ. වි. පෙ.
Never drill students with grammar by Prof. R. N. de Fonseka I was very delighted to learn that the President has declared 2009 as the year of English and Information technology. English being an international Language, this should have been done several years back by the Governments in Power, for there has been a reverberating cry by students to master English.
The Child Rights Convention (CRC) explains how governments and international organizations have to work to ensure children are protected in their rights. Sri Lanka signed the CRC in 1990 and ratified it in 1991.The guiding principles of the Convention include non-discrimination; adherence to the best interests of the child; the right to life, survival and development; and the right to participate. They represent the underlying requirements for any and all rights to be realized. Article 23: The State recognizes “… the right of the disabled child to special care” and the right to “enjoy a full and decent life in conditions which ensure dignity” .

Isuru wadasatahana mathugamatath…..

Posted on February 26, 2009  /  1 Comments

ඉසුරු වැඩසටහන මතුගමටත්…. ජේ්‍ය්ෂ්ඨ පාසල් වලින් ප‍්‍රාථමික පාසල් වෙන් කළ නොහැකිද? එහෙම නැහැ. සුපිරි පාසල් වලින් බලය විකේන්ද්‍රණය කළ හැකියි. ජනප‍්‍රිය පාසල් වලින් ප‍්‍රාථමිකය වෙන්කර අඩු ආදායම් ලාභී අධ්‍යාපන කොට්ඨාශ වල ඇති 150 ක් සංවර්ධනය කිරීමට සත්භාවයෙන් වැඩ කරන ස්වෙච්ඡුා සේවකයන් පිරිසක් පසුබිමෙන් සිටිනවා.
Through out the history of Sri Lanka, the decisions related to language education made by responsible decision makers, have pushed the country towards disputes, unrest, distrust among each other, lack of harmony and inefficiency in the competent world aiming towards a global village.  President Rajapakse’s annoucemnt gives us a ray of hope about a potentiality to change a generational mistake. Malathie Kalpana Ambrose
According to a news item in the Lankadeepa a parent who refused to pay Rs: 6500 as admission fee for Gampola Zahira  was beaten up in the school premises by some one who  had said ” Because of you the school  did not get the money it needed”. Apparently, the school development society had decided to charge Rs: 6500 from each new year-1 student. The parent in question had complained to higher authorities who in turn had instructed the school to charge only the facility fee of Rs: 36. How about admissions fees charged by other schools? Does the minister and ministry endorse admission charges by schools other than Gampola Zahira?
Separating primary schools from larger schools is an impossiblity? Not so, if you move away from the power orbits  of the super schools. Behind the scenes, a few dedicated officials are trying to separate primary schools from popular schools in a set of 150 low income education divisions.  The goal is develop at least one larger school in each division as a well equipped secondary school that attract children from a cluster of neighboring primary schools.  The program is called Isuru and the director of the program is Mr.
Malathie Kalpana Ambrose   Statistically we hold a higher state in education among the South Asian countries. Proudly we declare that our literacy rate is above 92%. But do all our children enjoy their right to education? How about the children in refugee camps in North and East? How about the children in remote areas where they have to walk more than 6km to the nearest school?
Malathie Kalpana Ambrose It is great to see that after ages policy makers  are realizing that the existing curricula has not been producing holistic personalities throughout the past. But realizing that fact itself will not be enough, unless the policy proposals bring about a vital change in to curricula development.   The following proposals were taken from the First Draft –National Policy framework on General Education in Sri Lanka prepared by National Committee  for Formulating a New Education Act for General Education, 2008. The proposals are for one of the key policy issues identified by the committee.   Curriculum Development Policy Issue І   Curricula developed for schools fail to provide a sound foundation that enables the youth to lead a successful personal and work life.
I was shocked to read about the arrest of Mr. H.M. Dayananda on charges of bribery as reported in the Lankadeepa newspaper on December 02nd. I first met Mr.